Pay Attention To Those Matters When Using Slip Rings
The slip ring is a precision part, so it requires a very careful attitude when using it, that is, the high-performance slip ring is used. If it is not used properly, the expected performance effect cannot be achieved, and the slip ring is easily damaged. Therefore, the following items should be noted when using slip rings:
1. Keep the slip ring and its surrounding environment clean Even if the smiling dust that is invisible to the naked eye enters the slip ring, it will increase the wear, vibration and noise of the slip ring;
Second, when using and installing, be careful not to allow strong punching, do not directly hit the slip ring with a hammer, and do not allow the transmission of pressure through the rolling body;
3. Use appropriate and accurate installation tools as much as possible to use special tools, and try to avoid using things such as cloth and short fibers;
4. To prevent the rust of the slip ring When you directly take the slip ring by hand, you must fully wash away the sweat on your hand and apply high-quality mineral oil before operating. In the rainy season and summer, pay special attention to rust prevention.
Due to the wide variety of working environments and conditions, under certain special circumstances or under certain special operating conditions, slip rings can achieve a longer life than traditional calculations, especially under light loads.